About Me

My name is McKenzie. I thought I would begin this endeavour by telling you a bit about myself:
1. I was born and raised in Alaska and love this place.
2. I have an unrelenting crush on California, though (I'm a "sun-bum" through and through)
3. I am adopted and was born extremely prematurely (weighing in at 1 lb., 8 oz)
4. I am in love with a wonderful, talented photographer boy named Nolan.
5. I have a B.S in Psychology from Montana State University.
6. I still haven't quite figured out what I'll do with that yet.
7. Tulips are my favorite flowers.
8. My dream job would probably involve writing, photographing, styling, social media marketing and communications... essentially this if I could make a living doing it.
9. If I had to describe my personal style, I'd say it's very bohemian with quirky Alaskan touches.
10. I love playing in the beauty and hair worlds, with the exception of nails.  I am horrible at nails.
11. I love to cook and some say I'm good at it.
12. I don't believe in using recipes. I skim them for a starting point, then make my own magic.
13. I've contemplated going to culinary, cosmetology, and journalism schools (all recently)
14. I love any excuse to get dressed up and go out on the town.
15. I'm terrible at walking in heels, but love them nonetheless.
16. A good pink lipstick makes me very happy.
17. I LOVE coffee... but white chocolate mochas are my favorite.
18. My other dream job would be working for Disney. I am a Disneyland freak.
19. I am not afraid in the slightest to wear "out there" things. I feel if you're comfortable, that's all that matters.
20. I am a morning person.
21. I love to read and write, and actually miss that about college.
22. I do not brush my hair regularly (gasp!) though I buy hair products all the time (creating problems for my wallet). I like it wild, free, and messy à la Free People.
23. I'm 5' 3" so modeling is not in my future.
25. My favorite accessory is a good set of bangles.
26. I love to be outside, but loathe being cold.
27. I take selfies shamelessly...
28. I love to take photos with my sweetie.
29. I was in a sorority in college, called Alpha Omicron Pi and it was the best college decision I ever made.
30. Thrifting is my favorite kind of shopping.
31. I have total elf ears. I used to hate them but now I love them!
32. I have a wicked chin-neck (check?)... dang you genetics! (And the cocktails don't exactly help)
33. I aim not for the physique of runway models, but the athletic goddesses of Roxy, Athleta, Title Nine... etc. (I've got a long way to go).
34. Hooping is my favorite dance style.
35. Going to Coachella would be a dream come true! Oh, the music, style, and fun... sigh.